Garo is a long-running franchise of Tokusatsu, literally special effects show in Japanese. The concept is quite similar to that of Kamen Rider. Tokusatsu is a genre that includes Super Sentai that has been truncated in the past by Saban into Power Rangers. If youre a fan of Power Rangers, you should definitely try the original super Sentai series if you don’t have anything to do. The situation got worse today, but in the past, the changes in Power Rangers were as bad as the English Dub of the first Yugioh series. Which is practically identical to the Japanese original?

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The Garo gear will come back in FFXIV.

Naoki Yoshida, the producer and director of the FF14, said during that stream that many players want to get the Garo gear back. The talks begin to bring back the collab. More details will come soon. It’s very likely that the collab will come back in 2022 during a endwalker patch. It’s important to note that Garo is mainly popular in Japan and far less known outside of the country. Some parts of the series did get localized. Most notably the anime show. While Garo started as a tokusatsu / live-action series, the franchise also includes anime. Many people out of Japan discovered Garo as well as managing the theme song and JAM Project. The first collaboration between FFXIV and Garo ended in Patch 5.1 in 2019. Merchandise, mounts, titles, and achievements from Garo inspired PvP are included in FFXIV, but are still unobtainable. Final Fantasy IV Endwalker is out on December 3 in Early Access and officially on December 7, 2021.