One of these games is from Obisidian Entertainment, which is known for Fallout: New Vegas, The Outer Worlds, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Neverwinter Nights 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and the Sith Lords. That’s not a problem, it seems that this new game is working on as it isn’t rated one among these games, because it seems rather thin. According to Corden, it’s a single team effort of the Obisidian city. That said, the game’s development is being overseen by Josh Sawyer, director of the aforementioned Fallout: New Vegas. The game is written to be slain and it put players on the shoes of a european investigation in 16th century who tried to uncover the truth of a grisly murder. You’ll be able to test the characters and make them criticize, in-game, and then make a claim against them, which could mean casescading consequences if you were wrong,” said Corden, the manager of the game, via Windows Central. “This is a dialogue-heavy game with decisions to make and responses to choose from, which will influence your experience as you unwrap murder conspiracy.” A narrative RPG that takes inspiration from games like Disco Elysium. That said, while it sounds interesting, it won’t be too ambitious, with only a group of 12 developers hoping to release the game sometime next year. The other newly leaked game is a game by Our Happy Few. The game has a meaning in disguise: ‘Midnight’, a multi-player action game, set in a world that is dark as fantastical. The video “Midnight” is an old story to be based on ingenious theories from the South American nation,” writes Corden of the game. “The game is full of magic and huge fantastical beasts with a strong’southern gothic’ feeling. The game is an entirely unique-player experience, with what I described as a “strong” story.” Unlike Pentiment, there’s no release window for this game. Or, Corden does suggest it might be at least a few years away, but it ultimately suggests it’s still in the early stages of development. And that’s where the report ends. You must take all of this with salt. It’s not only unofficial, it’s also subject to change.